I. What Is a Causative Construction?
A causative construction describes a situation where the subject causes an action to happen, often performed by someone else. In French, this is most commonly formed with the verb faire (to make or to cause), followed by an infinitive verb. The subject does not perform the action directly but initiates or influences it.
Structure : Subject + faire + infinitive + direct object (+ par/ à + agent)
Je fais laver la voiture (par/à mon fils).
I am having the car washed (by my son).
---> In this example, the subject "je" does not wash the car themselves but causes someone else to do it.
II. Common Uses of Causative Constructions
1. Having Someone Perform an Action
This is the most typical use of causative constructions. Here, you use faire to indicate that you are instructing or asking someone else to do something.
Nous faisons réparer notre ordinateur (par un technicien).
We are having our computer fixed (by a technician).
Note: that you can sometimes come across sentences, such as:
Je vais lui faire faire ses devoirs.
I am going to make him do his homework.
2. Causing Something to Happen
Causative constructions can also indicate that an action or event is caused, even if there is no specific agent.
Le vent fait tomber les feuilles.
The wind makes the leaves fall.
III. “Se Faire” and Reflexive Causatives
Se faire is the reflexive form of faire and is used when the subject causes an action to be performed on themselves.
Je me fais couper les cheveux.
I’m having my hair cut.
Se faire can also be used to indicate that the subject undergoes an action, often negative, without having desired it.
Example :
Il s’est fait voler son portefeuille.
He had his wallet stolen.
Note: This construction is often used to express a form of passivity.
Passive : Tu as été arrêté. You were/ got arrested.
Reflexive causative : Tu t’es fait arrêté. You got yourself arrested.
--> Compared to the passive (in sentence 1), the causative reflexive (sentence 2) implies that the subject played a part in their own arrest.
IV. Grammar Rules to Remember
1. Position of Object Pronouns
In causative constructions, object pronouns are placed before the verb faire.
Il la fait pleurer.
He makes her cry.
2. Agreement of the Participle
The causative doesn’t follow the normal rules of agreement.
In causative constructions, the past participle of faire (i.e. fait) is always invariable (this means that it does not agree with the subject or object).
Elle les a fait venir.
She made them come.
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